A Fruit of Relentless Attempts
这《野鹤吟》还没有拿在手上 ,我就有一个感觉 ,是闹出来的。虽然它也和其他书一样 , 经历了写作和出版、印制的过程 ,但事实上 ,文如其人,何况一个集子 ;
Although I have not received an Exclusive Collection of Yehe’s Poems, I have a feeling that this book is the fruit of his relentless attempts. Same as other traditional books, it has experienced the process of writing, publishing and printing. But the unique characteristics of the author make it a unique book.
反过来互证 ,理解漆春华 ,其实也就应该知道他会出一本什么样的书。说浅一点 ,他是修房造屋的 ,总免不了用原始的方式喊一喊号子 ,展一展劲 ,或如现代的竞标 ,这其实也是要声嘶力竭去争取的。
Think the other way around, i f you understand Qi Chunhua, you will understand the style of his book. Briefly speaking, since he runs a construction business, he can’t help singing out aloud like the old times to cheer himself up. It is the same as the Modern bidding in which one tries his best to fight.
说深一点 ,我们一个人一个格子 ,依矩而行 ;而漆春华是几个格子 ,跳来跳去,快节奏 ,高效率 ,总如让人进了迪吧 ,眼花缭乱 ,手足无措。
Properly speaking , we live in our own lattices and follow the rules; but Qi Chunhua shuttles to and fro in several lattices, fast and efficiently, making us dazzled and as if we have just entered a disco bar.
举例说明 ,这个城市总经理一级的人物 , 恐怕爱好之多 ,涉猎之广 ,以致头衔一串一串的 ,像中华路的广告灯 ,除了漆春华 ,还有哪一个 ?他完全不像他的那些朋友 ,比如李炎翔 ,静悄悄的 ,文绉绉的 ,就把《逝去的鸟鸣》弄了出来 ;
For example, there no other general managers in Zunyi like him, who embraces so many habits and encompasses so many subjects. His titles are like the arrays of streetlights along the main avenue. He is not like his friends, Li Yanxiang, for example, who had a sophisticated and elegant personality, kept a low profile in publishing the collection of his essays, The Disappeared Twittering.
又比如李连昌 ,总有一种不久于人世的悲壮 ,挂一个心脏起搏器 ,一本《遵义史话》弄出来 ,还气喘吁吁的 ,便又开始弄《遵义轶闻》,几乎是屏住呼吸 ……
And another friend, Li Lianchang, who always shows solemn and stirring emotion, hinting he might die soon. He finished the Historiette of Zunyi with a cardiac pacemaker and was breathing noisily. Then he tried his best to finish the Legend of Zunyi......